About our farm.

Located in Central Washington State, Katie, Curtiss and Drayson have a pasture to plate beef business. Our vision is simple, provide premium responsibly raised beef and connect consumers to the rancher who raised it. We believe in 4 principles on our operation. Healthy soils lead to health plants, healthy plants lead to healthy cattle, healthy cattle lead to healthy people. We approach our operation as stewards of natural resources and do everything we can to work in sync with nature. We know how vital our animals our to our livelihood and take cattle welfare seriously, we practice low stress husbandry with the cows we care for. If you are looking for a change in where your beef comes from, let us be your new source for your family's beef needs.
Premium Beef
Our animals are on a pasture based diet and run on the operation until they reach roughly 850 pounds in size. From there we will then send them to a partnering feed facility who finishes our animals on a nutrition balanced diet to reach peak finish. Our animals are all harvested from the age 18-24 months.
Flexibility we can finish animals on both a grain or grass finished diet. We also sell some unique products that others may not.
Tongue/Lengua, Cheeks, Heart, Liver, Bone Marrow and Rendered Tallow.
We have customers who consume these products as well as utilize the organs and other portions of the animal as raw meat option for pets.

Meet Us

Ickes Beef
We ship 2 days a week, our shipments arrive in styrofoam boxes and is packed with dry ice to keep our beef frozen and fresh!

Orders shipped from our Farm


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Jane Faber, New York

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Jane Faber, New York

Jane Faber, New York

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